We deliver for FREE
Cancellation & Return Policy
You have the right to cancel or return your order up to 14 days following receipt of your goods. This includes your right to cancel your order under the Consumer Contracts Regulations.
If you cancel the order before it has been dispatched, you will receive a full refund.
If you wish to return a product to us you may do so within 14 days following receipt of your goods. It must be unopened and in its original undamaged packaging. We will refund the price. Returns outside the timeframe set out above may be accepted at our sole discretion.
Your right to return does not apply to perishable products and products made to your specification unless they are faulty.
The cost of returning items is at your own cost and you are responsible for returned goods in transit until they reach our warehouse. Return delivery charges will only be refunded in the event of faulty, damaged or incorrect items being sent to you. This does not affect your statutory rights to return faulty or misdescribed goods.
Should courier fail to deliver or lose the return parcel, it is your responsibility to claim compensation from the courier directly. Our company cannot be held liable for any lost returned packages.
Refund Payments
All refunds will be made within 14 days of the cancellation of the order or return of the goods. If we are unable to credit your original method of payment, we will contact you to arrange an alternative method of refund.